Year 1
This year all our class names are based on plants.
Hibiscus Class
Miss L Donaldson
Miss P Illingworth (TA), Mrs I Afonia (TA)
Lily Class
Mrs G Moorhouse
Mrs Carter-Firth (TA), Miss M Padden
Daisy Class
Mrs D Greenwood/ Miss B Moores
Mrs Sam Gelder (TA) , Mrs Julie Burgon (TA)
Spring 1
During this half term, the children will be learning about sculptures in their art lessons. They will use different materials to create raised textures. They will learn to scrunch, roll, pinch, coil and shape materials to make a 3D form. They will have the opportunity to experiment with patterns using carving techniques. They will look at the work of Henry Moore as part of these lessons and will learn how he created his sculptures.
In computing they will be demonstrating their ability to sort objects into different groups. The children will look closely at different groups based on the properties they choose. Pupils will use their sorting skills to answer questions about data.
This half term we are looking at ‘What helps us stay healthy?’ The children will be focusing on what being healthy means, how medicines can help people to stay healthy and why hygiene is important and what they can do to take care of themselves on a daily basis. They will understand that things people put into their bodies can affect how they look and feel.
Year 1 will be learning about the topic ‘Materials’ in Science. They will be focusing on learning how to identify and name a range of materials. They will also learn about the properties that materials have and group them according to their physical properties.
In geography we will be looking at the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. The children will learn about the capital cities and look at the surrounding seas. We will carry out some field work around the local area, studying the geographical features.
Year 1 children are continuing to look at ‘What makes some places sacred?’ They will discuss ways in which stories, objects, symbols and actions are used in churches and mosques. They might even be lucky enough to visit a local mosque.
Children in year 1 will be starting the topic, ‘Under the Sea’. They will learn to sing a short song from memory and practice playing instruments expressively.
Autumn 2
During this half term, the children will be learning about collage in their art lessons. They will find out about the artist Piet Mondrian and practice making their own collage in the style of Mondrian, by layering and overlapping paper and card.
In computing, they will be looking at ‘Moving a robot.’ They will be introduced to early programming concepts. They will explore using individual commands, both with other learners and as part of a computer program. They will identify what each command for the floor robot does and use that knowledge to start predicting the outcome of programs.
We continue with the theme ‘Relationships’ this half term and will be focusing on the question ‘Who is special to us?’ As part of this unit children will talk about the different groups they belong to, including their family, sports clubs, school, etc. The children will think about the people in their family that care for them, and why they are special. They will understand that all families are different, yet they share some common features.
Year 1 will be continuing learning about the topic ‘Animals including Humans’ in Science. They will be focusing on their senses and understanding about the associated body part for each sense. The children will be testing out their senses, by taking part in a variety of investigations.
Design and Technology
In the unit called ‘Moving Monsters’, the children will identify levers, linkages and pivots and then design, make and evaluate a monster with moving parts. They will need to select the materials and ensure the monster does not affect the attached linkages.
Year 1 children will be finding out ‘What makes some places sacred?’ They will identify special objects and symbols found in places where people worship. The children will find out how and when they are used, along with their meaning.
Children in year 1 will be covering the topic, ‘Animals’. They will use their bodies and instruments to listen and respond to pieces of classical music that represent animals. The children will learn and perform a song as a class and compose a short section of music as a group, with a focus on dynamics and tempo.