Wakefield Snapethorpe Primary School

Caring for All: Learning for Life

01924 367396

St George's Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 8AA


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Computing Curriculum

Computing follows the Rising Stars Computing scheme which was updated for 2020. Year 1 are following the Teach computing scheme. Year 1 have five units to teach in the year. Years 2-6 have 2 units to teach from the Rising Stars Computing scheme. Teachers have the choice to base this around another subject, making it cross-curricular or leave it as a stand-alone. Within this scheme, Rising Stars provides teachers with a lesson plan which can be adjusted as necessary to the pupils needs to meet the curriculum objectives. Espresso Coding is also taught for two half terms, teaching pupils how to design and debug programmes, change input, and output variables and detect errors in algorithms. Throughout school, pupils start with block coding and in Year 5 are taught python coding, while in Year 6 are taught HTML coding thus giving a range of coding styles. Rising Stars also provides lessons with key vocabulary that needs to be taught in each topic. 
Subject leaders check the overview of the computing topics chosen by staff each year to check that throughout KS1 and KS2, all curriculum objectives are met.
At Snapethorpe, we also ensure that we cover a broad curriculum through Rising Stars and Espresso Coding. Annually, we cover topics on E-Safety through our Safer Internet Day, work for this is then displayed around the school.  Hardware and software across the school has been updated and modernised to ensure that pupils are exposed to the newest technology. This includes a Computing suite with desktops computers, laptop trollies and iPad trollies, which provides pupils with a variety of technology and software to access.
The teaching of Computing will give children necessary life skills to use technology confidently. We ensure that children are taught how to use technology safely and know where to go if they need help or advice. Children will be independent and engaged when using technology. Children will be curious with the modern world of technology and the aspiring opportunities computing can give them. Being resilient in problem solving during computing will ensure children are better equipped when tackling maths and science problems.
Through assessments, the majority of pupils will be working at age related expectations. Children will be able to confidently recall key knowledge from their unit of work and share explanations of key vocabulary stated on the medium term plans.


Below you can find the whole school overview for the computing coverage per year group and the medium term plans for each unit as well as our online safety road map. 

To find further information relating to learning in individual year groups, please use the year group tabs on the website homepage.