Year 4
This year all our classes are named after plants.
Tulip Class
Mrs E Brandwood-Wilson
Miss M Kelly (TA)
Mrs R Ridge (TA)
Crocus Class
Miss E Seaman
Miss C Marshall (TA)
Lavendar Class
Miss G Potter
Miss K Spurr (TA)
Mrs D Cotos (TA)
Autumn 1
This half term year 4 will be learning all about the ancient Egyptians. Pupils will learn all about the process of mummification and why the after life was so important to the Ancient Egyptians. During the unit, pupils will also cover the topics of Egyptian Gods and look at why the River Nile was so important. Pupils will also take part in a VR workshop in school.
This term during art lessons, we will be focusing the technique of collage. Pupils will learn how overlap materials and use collage as a tool to develop a piece in mixed media.
They will use newspaper as a base to create a 3D collaged flower.
In computing this half term we will be using a computing software called Espresso Coding. This is where children control and change variables within formulas to create a code or APP.
Our overall theme this half term is ‘Health and wellbeing’ with a focus on how we manage risks in the wider world. Pupils will learn how to assess and manage risks as well as learning what factors can influence the risks we take. Pupils will learn how to be safe in the wider world, such as road safety and safety in the home.
This half term our topic is electricity. Children will learn how to make electrical circuits, what a conductor and insulator is and how everyday objects are powered by electricity.
Year 4 children focus on learning about ‘What it means to be a Hindu in Britain today.’ Pupils will learn about key festivals and celebrations as well as learning how Hindus express their faith through puja, aarti and bhajans.
In French, pupils will revisit vocabulary for colours and are introduced to vocabulary for parts of the body. By the end of the half term, pupils read and understand short sentences describing a monster